How does AnyChange work?

The AnyChange service enables members of the public to donate small amounts of money to homeless people they want to help.

The AnyChange process involves three parties:

  • the homeless person
  • the Organisation (e.g. charity, shelter etc) that is supporting, and is in contact with, the homeless person
  • the gifter i.e. the member of the public that is giving some money to the homeless person

The AnyChange process works as follows:

  1. the homeless person, with the help of someone from the the Organisation they are in contact with, is registered on the AnyChange web portal.
  2. the Organisation provides the homeless person with one of the AnyChange debit cards the Organisation has been supplied with by AnyChange.
  3. the Organisation also provides the homeless person with their printed (laminated) ‘QR’ code.
  4. the homeless person does what they would normally do to request donations from the public and also displays their QR code to allow for easy online donations e.g. if the giver has no change they can still pay by their phone.
  5. members of the public can give cash to the homeless person in the usual way or they can scan the displayed QR code to make a quick online payment to them.
  6. any online payments made to the homeless person are automatically credited to their debit card account.
  7. the homeless person can then use their debit card in a cash point or to pay for food, clothes, bus tickets etc in the normal way.